How To Make Yerba Mate ~ The Complete Guide

ana goldseker
I will share all the ways that you can enjoy and incorporate yerba into your lifestyle and daily routine. The process is both meditative and grounding as well as super simple to do.  It's a practice of mindfulness. The Ritual of Yerba MateIt's a full How To on making Yerba Mate.

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How to Stay Motivated even when You want to Eat Junk

ana goldseker

Do you ever feel like you can start this new food program in the morning, but by the afternoon you feel your resolve fading? I get it! I feel like that too sometimes. There are those days when I just want to give up and do whatever I want. 

I want to feel amazing. I want to feel amazing as much as I can. I want to have energy, and be positive. It took me years to figure out why I needed to eat this way and even more years after that to figure out what I needed to do to accomplish that.

I want to share my hacks with you. 


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